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Cliffdale Primary School


Class Teacher: Angie Wilkie

Welcome to Meerkat Class one of the Lower School classes here at Cliffdale Primary Academy.

Autumn 2021

Hello and Welcome to Meerkat Class 2021-22

We are a class of 8 year 2 pupils with a wide variety of interest. We particularly enjoy sensory and physical activities.

We have quickly settled into our new classroom and are working hard building relationships with new people, both big and small.

We have had lots of fun putting our Cliffdale Values into action. So far, we have shown our resilience at the gym working on new equipment.

Excellent communication letting others know the things we really like!

We make the most of engagement with all aspects of school life.

We are constantly developing our independence and have already learned to put things away in the right places!

We are looking forward to a busy year ahead with lots of fun learning.  
