Class Teacher: Portia Newton
Welcome to Monkey Class one of the Lower School classes here at Cliffdale Primary Academy.
Autumn 2021
We are a class of 8 year 1 pupils who particularly enjoy learning through sensory (and often messy!) play. We have all settled well into our new classroom, built new relationships, and have amazed staff with our independence when following new routines, especially when coming into school in the mornings.
Our topic this term is Messy Mixtures, and we all demonstrated great engagement on topic launch day, trying all of the activities on offer. Monkey Class particularly enjoyed the mud kitchen in the environmental area, and playing with slime in the classroom.
In Monkey Class, we always work hard on our communication and have made great progress when telling staff about our favourite activities, songs, and snacks. Monkey class have shown amazing resilience when exploring unfamiliar foods during Food Time, and even if they are unsure, often come back to the activity for another try!
We are all very excited for the year ahead, and all of the wonderful learning opportunities we will experience together!