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Cliffdale Primary School

PE & Sport

Why we teach PE

We want all of out children to be fit, healthy and live active lifestyles. PE at Cliffdale is appropriately challenging and builds confidence in physical ability and skill. Our broad range of PE opportunities promotes the school’s values and extends beyond the classroom and the school hall.

We promote an ethos of team work and healthy competition through team days, trust collaboration and events.

By the time children leave Cliffdale they will have developed resilience and independence through a varied range of opportunities and tailored support, as well feeling pride in achievements.

How we teach PE

  • Designated PE lessons based on national curriculum and EYFS, with opportunities to develop personalised key skills.
  • Sensory integration in classes as well as a number of specific spaces which are well resourced. Staff recognise children’s specific sensory and physical need and promote readiness for learning and self-regulation. Staff are supported by and Occupational Therapist who works in the school on a weekly basis.
  • Regular timetabled Playpark and Softplay opportunities, which are used to promote and develop personalised key skills, which include communication.
  • A wide range of Bikes and trikes for all ages and abilities as well community links to ‘Wheels for All’.
  • Engaging opportunities beyond the classroom include: swimming, kayaking, climbing, archery, horse riding, gymnastics centre.
  • Sports coaches, professional dance teachers and music and movement experts enhance the curriculum and offer teachers professional support including mentoring and more formal training.
  • Children love our Team Days and Sports week, both are opportunities for team work and healthy competition through a range of accessible events.

What difference does this make to the children?

Our huge range of experiences and opportunities, coupled with our personalised curriculum ensures that our children succeed in feeling a sense of achievement and pride in their physical development. Progress is visible, it is observed by staff who celebrate as the children follow instructions, and build confidence, whilst taking risks and developing their awareness of danger and keeping safe.

Evidence is seen in termly reports, learning journeys, annual reviews and newsletter articles.