Skills for Life
Why we do teach Skills for Life
We want all of our children to get on with others and have practical skills which enable them to access and enjoy a range of activities, whilst preparing them for the next stage of their lives. By the time children leave Cliffdale they will have increased their awareness, independence and co-operation so they can begin to take care of themselves, access their community and have healthy relationships.
How we teach Skills for Life
Skills For Life encompasses PSHE, Computing and includes the Food element of DT
Different experiences are integral to the Skills For Life curriculum…
PSHE is implemented through discreet PSHE lessons, daily routines and personalised opportunities to develop skills.
- Safety (including but not limited to transitioning with independence, road safety, stranger danger, travel skills and community behaviour developed through trips offsite)
- People and relationships (including but not limited to assemblies, friendship week, playtime, structured play opportunities, noticing/ accepting differences and early engagement with others)
- Feelings and emotions (including but not limited to exposure to different experiences, self-regulation, recognising emotions, learning to cope with changes, whole school events and working alongside others)
- Health and hygiene (including but not limited to handwashing, toileting, healthy lifestyles, PE and personal care including medication / first aid)
- My body (including but not limited to sense of self, dressing, personal care, puberty and body parts)
Computing links to skills for life are implemented through discreet lessons, exposure to technology and modelling.
- E-safety (including but not limited to making appropriate choices with technology, understanding restrictions and knowing what to share / when to ask for help)
DT links to skills for life are implemented through food-based activities such as food time, cooking, dinner and snack.
- Feeding skills (including feeding yourself, using cutlery, using cups and preparing food)
- Exposure to a range of food (including through sensory play, food time, cooking sessions and bucket)
- Healthy diets (including following recipes, making healthy choices and tasting a range of new foods)
What difference does Skills for Life make to our children
- Skills learnt at school transferred to home / other settings so that children can engage with family life, community experiences and the wider local environment
- More able to build relationships at school, home and in the community
- More independence in, around and out of school when transitioning
- Increased confidence and independence in self-care skills
- More equipped to regulate emotions and express feelings
- Developed resilience
- Being able to communicate a choice
- Preparation for the next stage of education / community living
- Providing more opportunities to access their environment
Evidence is collected through:
- Earwig Academic Learning Journeys
- Termly Reports
- Annual reviews
- Home school communication book
- Parent feedback