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Cliffdale Primary School


Class Teacher: Ruth Cox

Welcome to Turtle Class one of the early years classes here at Cliffdale Primary Academy.

Autumn 2021

Welcome to Turtles who are a nursery class at Cliffdale Primary Academy.

We have two group of pupils in this class, who either attend in the mornings or the afternoons. In the mornings we currently have 8 boys and 1 girl who are aged three to four and in the afternoons, we have 6 boys and 1 girl aged two to three years.

So far this term we have been learning how to find our classroom, getting to know our teachers and build friendships, through lots and lots of fun, messy play activities.

We particularly enjoy the painting, making sandcastles and filling and emptying in the water tray. We have been thinking about colours linked to our topic ‘Time to Rhyme’ and have enjoyed exploring lots of colours activities linked to the song ‘I can sing a rainbow’.